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GP Kullu
   01902 - 230006

Department of Applied Science

The Applied Sciences Department is the mother of all sciences and technologies. It enables the students to know the intricacies of science. It lays the strong foundation on which students may build their future in engineering. The department imparts scientific and humanistic values with technical education. It undertakes teaching programmes in the area of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and English. It aims at providing necessary knowledge of basic sciences to young and budding diploma students. The Department has well equipped labs to acquaint the students with the world of Physics, Chemistry and Communication Skills, to imbibe in them the confidence to excel in the industries.

Sr. No. Name Designation Qualification Experience
1. Mr. Lekh Raj Sharma HOD (AS&H) M. Sc., B.Ed 16 Years
2. Mrs. Bandana Devi Lecturer Physics M. Sc. 8 Years
3. Ms. Monika Sharma Lecturer Mathematics M.Phil, M. Sc. 11 Years
4. Mr. Yudhvir Singh Lecturer Chemistry M.Sc Chemistry 4 Year
5. Mrs. Neetu Thakur Lecturer English M.Phil 11 Year
6. Sh. Anil Kumar Computer Assistant Polytechnic Diploma, B.A 8 Month
Sr. No. Name of Lab
1. Language Lab
2. Physics Lab
3. Chemistry Lab