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Sukh Ki Sarkar
GP Kullu
   01902 - 230006

Princiapl Message


Sh. Neeraj Uppal

Govt. Polytechnic Kullu
Email :,

Contact : 9418477822

Academic Background

B.Tech (Computer Engineering)

Academic and Organization Experience

Jan 2014 Onwards :- Working as Principal in Polytechnic.
2006-2013 :- Worked as HOD, Computer Engineering in Govt. Polytechnic.
2001-2006 :- Worked as Technical Officer in Directorate of Technical Education.
1996-2001 :- Worked as Lecturer, Computer Engineering in Govt. Polytechnic.

It gives me immense pleasure and joy in welcoming all my staff & students to a bright and florid future ahead. It goes without saying that it is an honor and privilege to be the Principal of Government Polytechnic, Kullu. Let the new session usher confidence in all the creative minds welcomed.

Regardless of the fact that we have a humble beginning, our aim is the sky. We champion the cause of quality education, aim high and our motto is to think noble, plan and implement with perfection. We hope to dive deep and distant in our quest for excellence not only in education, implication and impression but also in caring, sharing and rearing. We want to thrive and survive by discipline and hard work.

This institute is dedicated to see the solution of challenges and is constantly working in that direction. Also, the institute is keen to provide quality education and in turn to produce young and talented entrepreneurs, to empower our state and country in the field of technical professional education.

“Develop the winning edge; small differences in your performance can lead to large differences in your result.”
It is an Institute where discipline and punctuality, with conducive environment will provide quality education, development in frontier areas of engineering and technology.

The field of professional education is facing challenges, so far as employment of our youth is concerned. It is quite necessary to develop an atmosphere in which students, not only complete their prescribed syllabus from the examination point-of-view, but also realize field problems, mainly encountered by major industries. With strong team work, we strive to achieve technological excellence in a highly competitive environment around us..

“A nation will be known by its people and the people will be known by their education and their culture.”
I think, whatever India will be in the next generation depends upon what role teachers play inside and outside the classrooms. In the modern scenario, the role of the teacher is changing due to the pressure of social and economic changes. It is the teachers who train the students in virtues and grace that will strengthen the nation. I am confident that our institute will contribute a lot in the making of morally and technically competent Technicians/Programmers ready to render their expertise and services to the industry and society

I assure everybody that with the grace of God, The Govt. Polytechnic Kullu is on fast track not only in imparting skills and capabilities to students but also striving for their all-round personality growth. "We Believe in Quality

The Polytechnic is achieving new heights. The Polytechnic now has grand building structure as per requirements. The Laboratories and the Workshops are well equipped with latest machinery and equipment, which only few institutes can boast of.